In Coils & Pods and TAX:PROVINCIAL:VPT Collections - IVC


The Horizon Falcon Replacement Coils are replacement coils (Compatible with Falcon, Falcon King, Falcon Legend and Falcon APV) produce maximum flavour and vapour production with excellent lifespan. Each pack of coils comes with three (3) replacement atomizers with vertically oriented mesh, and utilize either organic cotton with wood pulp or flax paper and flax fibre wicking system.

  • F1 Falcon Coil 0.2 ohm Cotton and Wood Pulp (80W±10W)
  • F2 Coil0.2 ohm Flax Fiber (80W±10W)
  • F3 Coil 0.15 ohm Flax Fiber and Falx Paper (70W±10W)
  • M1 Coil 0.15 ohm Mesh Coils Cotton and Wood Pulp (70-80W)
  • M2 Coil 0.16 ohm Cotton and Wood Pulp (70-80W)
  • M-Dual Coil 0.38 ohm Bamboo Fiber (75W)
  • M-Triple Coil 0.15 ohm Cotton and Wood Pulp (80-85W)
  • M1+ Mesh Coil 0.16 ohm Bamboo Fiber (80W)
  • NEW - M8 Mesh Coil  0.15 ohm Bamboo Fiber (65-70W)
  • NEW - M6 Mesh Coil 0.15 ohm Bamboo Fiber (65-70W)